Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Building Mussel

I admit, I have been bad about trying new things lately.  I got in this comfort zone and didn't want to leave it.  I was used to eating salad, broccoli, cauliflower and carrots and I just didn't want to try anything new.

Then I went out to dinner with my boss and well... madness ensued!!!

We got to the restaurant unbelievable early for a work dinner.  I was already nervous about dinner because there were things on the menu I hadn't even heard of...so when my boss asked what kind of appetizer I wanted, I was desperately hoping that Cheese Sticks had found their way on the menu.

They hadn't of course, so I was stuck with things like Calamari (which believe it or not, I will eat!), Crab Cakes, Shrimp, Gnocchi, and then mostly things I hadn't heard of or refused to try.

She asked me wanted I wanted and I instantly said the Shrimp - it's a super safe bet - I mean how can they fuck up Shrimp?  <---more about that later!

And then she asked for me to choose another one and I just looked at her, mouth open, speechless because nothing really looked good other than the Shrimp.  I mean the freaking Crab Cakes had strawberries in them--who does that?!?!  Yuck!!

So I tried to weasel out of the situation and make her pick, but no such luck.  She caught on quick that I was a picky eater and told me to try something new, after all I wasn't paying.  With a deep breath, I said I would try the steamed mussels with tomato and fresh herbs.  SCARY!!!

EEK!  I'm going to eat that?!?!

It's laughing at me!!
And there you have it - the Mussels!!  They look like they are all laughing at me cause they know I will be too chicken to actually eat them.  Well, the jokes on them cause I ate not just one but FIVE.  

It's salty and definitely reminds me of swimming in the ocean.  It was nice to dip it in the tomato sauce to give a little acid.  I also liked the sweetness of the Mussel too - salty and sweet and everything nice :o)

One thing I will say is that they do not look yummy tearing them out of their little home.  It's kinda gross but I just tried my damnedest to not think about it and not look at them too much.  Just pop it in my mouth and go about my business.  

Later on, I also got to try some Gnocchi.  It was pretty good too, but the Gnocchi itself seems kinda flavorless - I guess it has to be sautéed with something else to get some flavor?!  Regardless, I liked the creamy inside and the golden brown sides that had bits of herbs on it.  If I get to try some Gnocchi when I go to Italy, I will definitely give it a whirl.  I mean who doesn't like potatoes, or at least potato based food.  

So overall, it was a great night - I tried new things and ended a food drought that seemed to keep going on and on.  It's like I got stuck and now that I tried new things, I want to keep trying!  Woot!!  Here's to building on Mussels!

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