Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Extra Large and in Charge

If any of my readers have ever been Plus Size, they will know exactly what I am talking about in this blog!!

So, I can't tell you the last time I actually shopped in a Misses section for a top.  The last time I lost weight, nearly 5 years ago, I didn't lose any weight in my boobs - they seemed to just get bigger, which for some might be great, but for, not so much.  However, I almost fit my butt into a pair of size 16 MISSES pants!!!

But then I met Jake, got lazy and packed on the pounds.  Ugh!  Men!  Actually more like LOVE!  Anyway....

Honestly, I can't tell you how traumatizing shopping can be for a person who is not average weight or doesn't fit into Misses clothing.  And I cannot tell you what it does to a person's confidence - if you don't like what you are wearing, you aren't going to be waltzing into a meeting with uber-esteem.

I remember when I was in Elementary school and I had to start shopping in the Misses department way before any of my classmates (or at least that's how I felt).  I tried on jean after jean, only to find out that I was already a size freaking 12!!!  I didn't even start out in the single digits--DAMMIT!  True, I was the tallest girl in my class, sprouted boobs in the 3rd grade, and had begun to get my hips in the 5th grade.  Still--it was a shock to the system.  Side note - I had no idea I had boobs until my mom made me wear a bra before starting Junior High (I was a bit of a Tom Girl) and surprise!  I was already a B cup heading toward C-ville.

Anyway, so back to shopping in Misses department.  Every time I go into JCPenney, I oogle over the clothes I want to wear that I can't fit into.

But a funny thing happened a month ago....

I tried on an XL, teal polo shirt and I'll be damned if it didn't fit.  True, you can see my fat roll, but I'm not one for baggy shirts.  To me, baggy clothes just makes the person look 15 lbs heavier.  But the best thing about it was that my boobs fit!  THEY FIT!  Like not in a "I'm about to say peek-a-boo" way, but in a wow, I actually don't look disgusting in this shirt.  And over Mother's Day weekend, I bought myself another XL shirt - this one is red with black detailing on the top by the neckline.  It's just so exhilarating to be able to shop in a whole new world that has been off limits for such a very long time.  Not everything fits still, but it's nice to have the possible option.  Why is this such a big deal?  Well if you are asking that you must be a skinny bitch.  HAHA!  Just teasing....sort of....

Clearly not model potential, but OMG wearing a Misses XL shirt!  Fuck yeah!!!
It's a big deal because apparently if you make clothes for fat people or pleasantly plump or voluptuous as some like to must mean that you think big people want to wear insanely bright colors, big loud prints, or Grandma clothes.  OOH!  And who can forget the ooooh so slendering vertical stripes.  Here's some examples for your viewing enjoyment.

HI!  I'm insecure about my weight so let's wear bright orange AND stripes!!
Apparently 20-somethings like to role play as a retiree in Florida

Dude - I know for a fact that this model is probably a size 8 or 10 but this dress makes her look like a size 20 and you want me to WEAR THAT?  WTF?!?!  I'd look like the fucking Goodyear Blimp!

Vertical Stripes - Need I say more....

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