Monday, April 16, 2012

Tell me a little bit about yourself...

Ever been to a job interview or a team building meeting and you were asked to tell a little bit about yourself?

It's quite possibly the worse question ever.  

What the heck do you share?  

HI!  I'm Sarah and I'm a 29 year old addicted to food, who will throw her applesauce away if it 'looks weird', who won't keep most foods past 1 week (cause in my head everything expires in one week), and is still somewhat of a picky eater--but I'm hey getting better cause I like salad.  

Wouldn't friend me on Facebook?  Yeah, neither would I.

So instead, I usually say something like...

HI!  I'm Sarah, recently married, I have 2 of the cutest dogs in the world, a cat who won't stop freaking meowing, and I love to be outdoors--camping, fishing, hiking, and I'm really easy to get along with.  Oh, and I smile a lot and annoy people with my constant chipper attitude.

More or less that's what I say when people ask me to define or talk about myself.

Is it true though?  Do I really have super cute dogs?  
Lena looking at me for a treat
Jack and his everyday face
Yup!!  That's 100% true - I mean my dogs just have the freaking cutest faces ever and I tell them that every day.  

Sorry, I had to somehow show off my dogs.

Back to truths--Do I really like being outdoors?

Let's see, I sunburn at the drop of a hat, I get overheated when I'm out in the sun and it's above 80 degrees, I don't like getting dirty for the most part, sweating is just wrong and oh yeah, I am afraid of bugs and very, very afraid of spiders--they jump!!

But yet...I think I always wanted it to be a truth.  I really am inspired by the outdoors and Missouri's natural beauty.  I actually count my blessings that I get up early enough and I'm in my car watching the sun rise.  It's beautiful and yes, I know being in my car is not really outside (but yet the car is, eh?  Still doesn't count?  Darn....)

In all seriousness, I really do want to be an outdoors girl, but my weight restricts me.  I can't tell you what a difference a loss of just over 25lbs has done to me.  When Missouri got crazy hot in March, it didn't bother me the way heat normally does (heat usually means me vomiting my guts out and migraines).  As the weight comes off, I am gravitating to being outdoors more and more.  This weekend Jake and I stumbled upon the Tartan Days (Celtic celebration) and typically I would have been like "Eh, let's just go to the shop we came for and leave," but this time I was like 'OH!  Bagpipes and men in kilts!".
Think they are wearing underwear?
Jake and I ended up walking for over 2 hours without even trying!  It was great and it made me feel great!  

So, maybe I'm not the most outdoorsy girl in the world, but I'm getting there.  Every weekend I find myself taking more walks, doing more yard work (willingly too!), and most of all, truly enjoying what Mother Nature continues to unfold this Spring.  It's amazing how my food journey is turning into another journey of really discovering myself and my likes and dislikes.   

So, I had to include this ridiculously horrible picture of Jake and I.  What the hell is up with my head?!?!  It's freaking HUUUUGGEE!  It makes Jake look like someone suffering from shrunken head disease.  Oh and I am having the worst hair day ever--it looked so good before we left and then yuck.  Maybe one day I'll figure out how to have perfect hair.  I doubt it thought....  

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