Monday, January 2, 2012

Picky Eater - What's this blog about?

I'm a picky eater about to lay all my food phobia's, likes, dislikes, weirdness, etc out there for anyone to read.

Why would I do this?

To keep me accountable, to share my journey and let others know who are just like me that it is possible to like new things and it's okay if you don't!  I'm tired of being limited to meat and potatoes and want to eat the fruits and veggies everyone seems to love---aka I'm jealous dammit!  So, here goes...

Follow me over the next year as I try to eat new things, love things that I force myself to eat, and look back at all the odd crap I do eat.


  1. I love your blog! I just added you to my follow list because, not sure if you knew this, but I am the exact opposite of a picky eater. I will try almost anything, for better or worse. (Could be why Laura used to call me "garbage disposal" :/ lol) And I consider myself something of a semi-professional food lover. And so expect a lot of comments from me, I'll probably have lots of suggestions!

  2. You are my first follower!! Hooray!

    I figure, if I write about this, maybe other picky people will get brave :o) or will run in terror after reading the things I try. I can't wait to read more of your comments!!
