Thursday, January 26, 2012

Uh, did you wash that glass out?

If you were to ask my husband to name one habit of mine he'd love to change, I know exactly what he would say--If she could just use ONE glass for the day!

I cannot stand to use my Kool-Aid glass for water.  I cannot stand to use my water glass for soda.  I cannot stand to use my soda glass for ANYTHING!

Luckily for my husband, I gave up soda on December 19, 2011.  Yeah, that's right, I know the exact date and where I consumed my last taste of Pepsi--Imo's pizza.  Mmm, mmm, good.  Actually, I don't really miss the Pepsi because I've learned everything tastes better when it's not drowning in Pepsi.  The only time I miss soda is during that 3pm, afternoon slump when a nice shot of caffeine sounds so good.

Anyway, back to my glasses...

It just grosses me out to see my drinks contaminated by other people drinking out of my glass (other than my husband--he's on the safe list) and past drinks leaving residue behind to ruin my new drink.  I just can't stand cross-contamination of my drinks.  A nice, clean, fresh glass is the only way to go.  This weekend Jake used his tea glass for water and he didn't rinse it out--YUUUCK!  So the water was light yellow--totally reminded me of pee.  How could he drink that?  Didn't it taste awful--uber-duber watered down tea.  Blechk!!

I think this is part of my "picky" syndrome with food.  I get something in my mind and it's very hard for me to move past what I pictured in my head.

It's like when I eat the clementines....  I have to seriously concentrate on not noticing the fuzzy pith on the wedges.  If I look down and start to overanalyze the fruit, I feel a little sick to my stomach and my gag-reflex comes roaring to life.  I'm hoping that this will lessen and maybe even go away as I continue my food journey.  I really struggle with "contamination" of food and drinks, but here's to hoping that one day I can actually rinse out a glass instead of getting a new one for every drink I have throughout the day.  My husband will have to find a new bad habit of mine to wish away.... :o)

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