Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tasty my ass!

Oatmeal is the most loathsome food out there!
I cannot tell you how many times I've heard that the best thing to eat for breakfast is a nice bowl of Oatmeal.  Put some bananas in it, sugar, maple syrup and it's soo good--if you are into the worst texture to put in your mouth in the entire world.  I can't even get the stuff far enough in my mouth to actually swallow!  My gag reflex is instantaneous and immediately my tongue rejects the oatmeal by forcing it back out of my mouth. 

It's not just the texture---it's the smell.  Is it glue?  Some weird paste?  Whatever the smell, it's not  yummy in my tummy!  No matter what I put in it, it's just completely unappealing.  The taste is just simply un-improvable.  Add sugar, honey or milk you say?  Yeah--so not happening.  Why make something to only add a crap ton of stuff to make it somewhat edible (if you like gravely dirt in your mouth with some sugar and berries).  

Roughly 4 years ago, I was convinced I was going to eat a bowl of oatmeal no matter how bad my reaction was to the disgusting pile of goo in front of me.  Surely I could learn to love it, right??  I patiently made it the old fashioned way and sat at the kitchen table convinced I could do it.  The first spoonful immediately came back up, but I thought, "I haven't had oatmeal in years, so I bet I just need some sugar or some fruit like they show on TV."  Yeah.....that didn't go so well either.  A few spoonfuls later that ended up in a napkin or in the trash can convinced me that oatmeal was never going to be for me.  No matter how many great things it has going for it (very filling, great nutrients), I just can't do it.  It's not for me and never will be.  So, fare the well oatmeal.  I hope someone out there adores you, but I quite frankly think you are D-I-S-G-U-S-T-I-N-G!

1 comment:

  1. oh dear! we have so much in common! i hate oatmeal too! i like oats in various foods; granola, cookies, smoothies etc, but NOT at oatmeal!!
